Course Outline


Overview of the CTO Role

The Role of Technology within the Context of Business

Working with Business Managers

Building and Managing a Strong Technical Team

  • Hiring, guiding, growing, and firing

Strengthening Team Communications

Contributing to a Great Corporate Culture

Creating a Product Strategy

  • Implementing agile methodologies

Developing a Product Roadmap

Measuring Performance through Data Analytics

Choosing the Platform and Technology

  • Frameworks, languages, and tools

Managing the DevOps Cycle

  • Building, deploying, testing, and releasing

Supporting the Sales and Marketing Team

Mitigating Disasters

  • Dealing with crisises

Securing Systems and Data

Forecasting Growth and Future Resource Needs

Funding New Initiatives

Future Outlook and Trends for CTOs

Summary and Conclusion


  • Medium to high level techinical and management skills.


  • Current CTOs
  • Potential CTOs
  • Technical Directors
  • Technical Managers
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (1)

Provisional Upcoming Courses (Require 5+ participants)

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