Course Outline


  • Overview of front-end development
  • Understanding the basic concepts and terminologies
  • Overview of a front-end developer's responsibilities
  • Setting up a development environment


  • Introduction to HTML5
  • Basic tags and structure of an HTML document
  • Semantic elements
  • Using forms and inputs
  • Media elements (Images and videos)
  • DOM structure and how it works
  • Modern browsers and their requirements with APIs and structured syntax


  • Introduction to CSS
  • Selectors and cascading
  • Box model and layout
  • Flexbox and Grid
  • Transitions and animations
  • Responsive design
  • Understanding SCSS and modern concepts of advanced pre-processors


  • Introduction to Bootstrap
  • Setting up and using Bootstrap
  • Grid system and responsive design
  • Navbars, forms, and buttons
  • Components and JavaScript plugins


  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Basic programming concepts
  • Variables, data types, and functions
  • DOM manipulation
  • Asynchronous programming with callbacks and promises
  • Fetch API and JSON
  • Utilizing JavaScript package managers


  • Introduction to React
  • Components and JSX
  • Props and state
  • Event handling
  • Lifecycle methods
  • Routing and forms
  • Hooks
  • Introduction to Next.js

Advanced Topics

  • Accessibility
  • Performance optimization
  • Testing
  • Deployment


  • Developing advanced static websites, mobile applications, and desktop applications
  • Working with web assembly and optimizing web performances

Best Practices for Front-End Development


Summary and Next Steps


  • Basic experience with graphic design tools and software
  • An understanding of web concepts and SEO principles
  • Experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript computer languages


  • Developers
 21 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (2)

Provisional Upcoming Courses (Require 5+ participants)